This metal bikini top is extremely popular for belly dancing, renaissance fairs and simply to wear outside in hot weather. The beautiful chainmail fringe hung with fire polished bead drops or nickel-plated bells lends additional charm. It was our own original idea to take the chainmail bikini concept beyond a plain top, and that was very popular during our years of vending at the Pennsic War. In fact, even after more than a decade since vending there, those very same tops are still spotted at that event. Our chainmail bikini tops provide coverage while allowing more air flow than any fabric we can think of. As with all our bikinis, the tight weave, smoothly closed links of lightweight aluminum, and deluxe, custom-sewn straps make it extremely comfortable to wear. Shown with
Amira Handflower Bracelet and
Amira chain mail g-string.
For further information, please see our Chain mail bikini top page
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